SK Tourism Bike & Car Rental

Best Self Drive Cars in Jaffna

SK Tourism is the best place to find self drive cars in Jaffna. We have 5 years of experience in the Car Rental Industry, which helped design packages and pricing plans for our customers. Our services extend to the whole of Sri Lanka, with many locations under our belt. It makes the whole process very easy and smooth.

The goal is to provide the best rental cars while taking care of the client and all of the demands correctly. In the end, you would be getting a car which gives a lot of value at a reasonable price.


How It Works

Self drive to Explore in 4 simple steps



Sign up and get verified in couple of minutes to rent a car


Search ad book a car on our site..

Get Vehicle

Take your vehicle from our hub.


Return the car and we will take care the rest

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to rent a car ?

To avail SK Tourism you must be at least 18 years old, and your driving license for “Light Motor Vehicles” must be at least 1 year old (at the time of starting the trip). Driving license  (original or otherwise)

Can I book for any period of time ?

The Minimum booking hours for weekdays is 18 hours, and on weekends it is 18 hours.

Can I make changes to my booking ?

You can extend / modify the booking post confirmation from customer support.

Where can I return the vehicle, if the location is closed ?

We work 24/7

How will I be charged, if I return the car late ?

Charges will be based on the extra hours and extra kilometers.

Who will pay traffic violations? How will it be charged ?

For such breaches, consumers have to compensate. This depends.

Who will pay for parking and tolls ?

Parking and Tolls charges you are required to pay. No refund will be done for the same.

Where can I find the Car documents ?

You can find the car documents in the dashboard.